Competitions / Horse breed

Horse Breed

Saddle up for the ultimate showcase of equine excellence at the renowned Perth Royal Show Horse Breed competition! 

Celebrate the finest horses in Western Australia in a display of beauty, grace, and purebred perfection. Our Horse Breed program is not just a competition; it’s a celebration of the rich heritage and diversity of horse breeds across the state. 

As one of the largest breed competitions in Western Australia, the Perth Royal Show Horse Breed competition aims to set the standard for excellence. Horses are meticulously judged based on their conformation to a standard of excellence for each represented breed, ensuring that only the best of the best take home top honours. 

This is your opportunity to showcase your beloved equine companion and compete alongside other professionals who share your passion for horses. 

For further information and enquiries about the Horse Breed competition, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated Event & Competition Coordinator.

Join us for a truly spectacular event at the Perth Royal Show Horse Breed competition. Enter today and let your horse shine in the spotlight! 

(Results will only available once competition has ended)

P: 08 6263 3100